As alluded to in earlier posts, the graphic data is laregely done, say, 90% percent complete.
Being a bit of a sadist, I decided I couldn't be bothered writing code on the ZX Spectrum to rip the graphics. I've put this down to three reasons:
- I'm thoroughly lazy
- I'm not clever enough to do that on the speccy
- I'm thoroughly lazy
Of course, it would be much better if I wrote it in C. Why would it be better? Well, you know, because it would! I therefore determined I would re-write a perfectly working and fully functional peice of code in C**, "because I could". Still, the finished result (youtube video below) was pretty nice, in a retro-uber-geek-this-guy-should-get-out-more kind of way.
So, that was the graphics done, and imported into my source files. What next?
Well, I decided to just dive right in and start the code to define the graphics for each level:
For those that aren't in the know, the video memory on the TI-99/4A (or indeed any machine using the TMS9919 video graphics processor) is seperate from the CPU memory. The chip has a two text modes (1:32x24, 16 colours 2:40 x 24, 1 colour) and a bitmap mode. As a remarkable stroke of luck, the screen resolution is exactly the same as the ZX Spectrum: 256 x 192 pixels.
Now, the ZX spectrum screen is bitmapped only - there are no text modes. However, the spectrum's video memory is normal CPU addressable memory, so access to it is very fast. Access to the TI's video memory is through memory mapped IO: two addresses, one for reading, one for writing. A third address allows you to set up the VDP address that you are interested in, and after that, subsequent accesses will auto-increment the address for you. Nice.
Well, after a lot of thought, I determined that the 32x24 pattern mode would be fine for my needs. There are 256 definable characters, and after analysing every level using JSWED, I determined that every level would fit.
In pattern mode, the 256 ASCII character set is further subdivided into sets of 8 characters. Each set may have one forground and one background colour, thus careful planning is required to group your characters according to the colour attributes required. This took a few evenings of chin scratching. Excel to the rescue: I built a spreadsheet to work out the character assignments.
I now knew exactly which ASCII characters would hold which definitions on each level. For simplicity of code, all common objects occupy the same characters between levels (walls, floor, keys, doors, conveyors etc) only their colours and actualy graphical definitions change between levels.
* Feel free to laugh
** What's wrong with me?